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Xewkija Autocross 2003

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Xewkija Autocross 2003
Darren Dimech_2004

Xewkija Autocross 2003 on

Lm1200 for Xewkija boy through ASM Autocross by 

Thursday, 18 September, 2003

The Assocjazzjoni Sport Muturi (ASM) Autocross section moved all the way to Gozo for a special weekend racing programme in Xewkija held on Saturday 13 and Sunday 14 September 2003. The idea behind all this was to raise funds for a small 5 year old boy who needs urgent special hospital treatment in UK.

On Saturday afternoon all the competitors and their cars were gathered together at the Xewkija Church Square. Archpriest Mons. Carm Mercieca addressed the crowd and the cars drove in a carcade to the Race track at Ta' Hamet in Xewkija.

The race track was formed in a large field of Victor Scerri by ASM members earlier in the morning. Two competitions were organised in the afternoon both for the Maltese and Gozitan drivers who prepared their cars according to the ASM Competition Rules.

While racing was in progress, funds were collected from the spectators who were carefully watching every move on the track from a safe distance on the boundary walls around the place.

In the Sunday morning program, Motocross racing and Special Go-carts also demonstrated their skills on the loose surface of the track. The number of spectators also increased and more funds were collected. Racing came to an end at noon when all competitors drove to Xewkija Church Square.

ASM President Mr. Frans Deguara and Archpriest Mercieca addressed the meeting. Mr. Anthony Borg Head of Gozo Minister's Secretariat, Dr. Monica Vella Mayor of Xewkija together with other personalities were presented with mementos by the ASM President.

Frans Deguara presented the funds collected during the event to Archpriest Mercieca among an applause from all present. The Lm1202.32 collected for the 5 year old John Paul Attard was then passed over to a member of the Attard family.

Tokens for this special event in Xewkija were also given to all competitors, sponsors and helpers. Mr. Deguara ASM President would like to thank all who contributed for this special fund raising event.

Frans Deguara wrote to

Fondi migbura mill-ASM Autocross fGhawdex.


Il-Karozzi Autocross tal-Assocjazzjoni Sport Muturi fil-Week-end tat-13 u l-14 ta Settembru 2003 marru Ghawdex biex wettqu programm specjali bi hsieb filantropiku. Dan il-programm ta tigrijiet ittella mill-Membri tal-ASM biex jingabru fondi ghall tifel ta 5 snin li ghandhu bzonn kura malajr fit-tul gewwa l-Ingilterra.


Is-Sibt wara nofsinhar il-kompetituri kollha bil-karozzi tat-tigrija gewwa Ghawdex ingabru  fil-Pjazza tal-Knisja tax-Xewkija. L-Arcipriet Mons. Carm Mercieca indirizza l-folla migbura u wara dan, il-karozzi nstaqu Carcade lejn il-Korsa fTa Hamet, limiti tax-Xewkija.


Il-Korsa giet iffurmata fil-ghodu kmieni fuq ghalqa kbira propjeta tas-Sur Victor Scerri. Fnofstanhar, dan il-lok gie mibdul fkorsa tal-Autocross. Zewg kompetizzjonijiet gew organizzati is-Sibt wara nofsinhar, ghall kompetituri Maltin u dawk Ghawdxin. Dawn ippreparaw il-karozzi taghhom fuq ir-Regolamenti tal-ASM Autocross, fi zmien qasir izda mghammra bapparat tas-sigurta skond ir-regolamenti.


Waqt li kienu qed isiru it-tigrijiet, ingabru fondi mill-kompetituri u ghadd kbir ta spettaturi Ghawdxin li kienu qed isegwu kull mossa li kienet qed issir fil-Korsa. Dan il-lok kien ideali ghall fatt li li-spettaturi poggew fuq ic-cint tat-triq li jhares fuq il-korsa minn post fil-gholi.


Waqt il-programm tal-Hadd fil-ghodu, flimkien mal-Autocross saru wkoll tigrijiet tal-muturi Motocross u wkoll Go-carts specjali li kapaci jimxu fuq art ratba. Il-Hadd fil-ghodu gew aktar nies jaraw dawn it-tigrijiet. Anki in-numru ta kompetituri zdied fdin il-parti tal-programm. It-tigrijiet spiccaw kif mahsub ghall habta ta nofsinhar fejn il-kompetituri kollha Maltin u Ghawdxin, bil-karozzi regghu ingabru fil-pjazza tal-Knisja tax-Xewkija.


Il-President tal-ASM is-Sur Frans Deguara u Dr Monica Vella Sindku tax-Xewkija indirizzaw lill folla. Is-Sur Deguara ipprezenta mementos lis-Sur Anthony Borg, Kap tas-Segretariat fil-Ministeru ghal Ghawdex, lis-sindku Dr. Vella, lill-Arcipriet, kunsillieri u persuni ohra distinti.


It-Trofej sponsorjati mill-ASM u ditti Ghawdxin gew ipprezentati lir-rebbieha tat-tigrijiet Autocross Maltin u Ghawdxin mis-Sindku Dr. Vella. Il-kompetituri kollha gew ukoll ipprezentati btoken ta l-okkazzjoni.


Is-Sur Deguara ipprezenta lill-Arcipriet Mons. Mercieca l-fondi migbura waqt din l-attivita Autocross fix-Xewkija fost capcip minn dawk kollha prezenti fil-Pjazza. Is-somma li ngabret mill-ASM fmadwar 5 sieghat kienet £1202 .32c. Mons Mercieca irringrazzja lill ASM u d-donaturi u ghadda l-fondi migbura lill-familjari tac-ckejken ta 5 snin John Paul Attard mix-Xewkija stess.


Is-Sur Deguara President tal-ASM jirringrazzja lill dawk kollha li taw kontribut biex issir din l-attivita sportiva izda baghn filantropiku.


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